In my house, summer living is synonymous with summer eating. With all 4 kids home all day I have to get creative with our schedule AND our meals. During the school year, my kids pack a lunch one day a week and eat at school the other days so there are a variety of lunch options every week. At home, it doesn't take long for PB & J sandwiches to get old so I have been on the lookout for quick and easy lunch options. Behold - the chicken tender. I mean, I don't know a kid that can drive by the bright yellow double arches and not immediately start begging for some piping hot chicken nuggets. Surely, it's not just mine.
I found this recipe in a cookbook called, "The Spices of My Life" by Tiffany Moen that was given to me a few months ago. It has taken me a while to crack it open, but the sudden desperation for an updated recipe repertoire was just the push I needed to dig it out and do some cooking. True to its name, this recipe is almost embarrassingly easy and one that the kids can help prepare. Win-win. I had to adapt the recipe slightly due to ingredients I had on hand, but they still turned out great.
1 pound chicken cutlets (I used chicken tenderloins)
3/4 cup buttermilk
3/4 cup Italian bread crumbs
Preheat oven to 350* and grease cookie sheet. Dip chicken cutlets into buttermilk, and then roll in the bread crumbs and lay on cookie sheet. Once all your meat is on the sheet, place them in the oven and bake at 350* for 35 minutes, until golden brown.
Serves 6-8
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